Consistent practices are in place in the CDTC program to ensure an equitable screening process that effectively assesses the applicant’s eligibility for the program. The four steps of the screening process are designed to facilitate a timely decision related to an applicant’s suitability.
Ideally the process for determining eligibility should be completed within a four week period, if not sooner. Once all information is gathered from the screening phase, the applicant’s full case is reviewed by the entire Pre-Court Team who will make the final decision on program acceptance or non-acceptance.
Part 1: Screening
Crown Eligibility Review
To determine Crown eligibility the Crown Prosecutor examines the facts of the outstanding charges and the individual’s criminal record. The Crown will also request a criminal background check from Calgary Police Services and may also request additional information from Probation and/or CDTC Treatment Specialists to assist in determining initial suitability.
Once this information has been collected and the Crown feels the applicant is a suitable candidate, a referral is made to the CDTC Treatment Team to arrange for a treatment assessment.
As each case is unique, you are encouraged to apply even if you are unsure of your eligibility. Your application decision will be based on many factors including context for past and current crimes.
Part 2: Screening
Applicant Observes DTC
During this initial screening period, the applicant must attend court to observe and learn more about the CDTC approach.
The applicant must attend and observe the court in person, not by satellite TV, in order to fully experience the interactive CDTC environment. This gives the applicant further opportunities to consider their interest and participation in the program.
The applicant cannot observe CDTC unless they have met initial Crown Prosecutor eligibility. At this time, Waiver and Consent Form (Part I) will be filed with the court.
Part 3: Screening
Treatment Eligibility Review
During this phase, a member of the CDTC Treatment team will meet in person with the applicant to conduct a treatment assessment. This assessment includes a full review of the applicant’s medical and mental health history, their history of addiction and treatment attempts, and other wellness related matters.
The purpose of this phase is to confirm that the applicant suffers from an addiction to an eligible drug and that the program is suitable for the needs of the applicant. In some cases, a further psychological assessment may be needed to assess program suitability for the applicant.
The treatment assessment will determine the length and type of treatment programming that the individual will need to complete during the intensive treatment phase of the program (Phase 1).
Part 4: Decision Making
To Accept or Not Accept
Once all information is gathered from all screening phases, the applicant’s full case is reviewed by the entire Pre-Court Team who will make the final decision on program acceptance or non-acceptance.
If the Pre-Court Team approves the applicant for enrollment in the program, the Crown Prosecutor will notify the applicant’s lawyer of the decision. At this time, the applicant’s Lawyer or Defense Counsel must complete and submit the CDTC Waiver and Consent Form (Part II) to the Crown Prosecutor’s office.
The applicant is required to enter a guilty plea(s) in court as part of admission to the program. This is done by the applicant’s Lawyer or Defense Counsel in court. At this time, the CDTC Waiver and Consent Form (Part II) and the applicant’s criminal record are filed with the court.
A Drug Treatment Court Judicial Interim Release Order is completed and the applicant is informed of the conditions of their release to the community. At this point the applicant is officially admitted to the CDTC program.
For applicants residing in custody, a release date is selected in court. On the release date the participant is released from the Calgary Remand Centre, picked up by a representative of the CDTC program, and escorted to their approved treatment or housing provider. For applicants residing in the community, they will be given a date and time to appear in drug treatment court along with their lawyer, to enter their plea(s) and agree to conditions of their bail order.
If the Pre-Court Team does not approve the applicant for enrollment in the program the Crown Prosecutor will notify the applicant’s lawyer of the decision.
The applicant’s case will be returned to the regular court system and any information provided by the applicant to the program team as a part of the application and eligibility screening process will be kept confidential.