CDTC Program Overview

Stage 1:

Intensive Treatment (12 weeks)

The focus of Stage One is addiction treatment. Participants either attend a residential addiction treatment program or a day program, such as the CDTC Day Program, depending on the results of a treatment assessment.

During this stage and all stages of the program, participants are required to comply with extensive bail order conditions. The CDTC court team works closely with a range of treatment and rehabilitation partners and with participants.

Community treatment providers support and assist participants in reaching their goal of living a drug and crime-free life in the community.

Stage 2:

Developing your Recovery Skills (12 weeks)

The focus of this stage is putting into action what was learned in treatment.  In this stage participants attend a minimum of 3 support groups per week that work best for their recovery and attend court on a weekly basis.

During this stage participants receive assistance to obtain sober/drug-free housing and employment. They also start to build their support system including having a committed sponsor.

Stage 3:

Practical Application (12 weeks)

This stage allows the participants to continue to incorporate recovery and new ways of thinking into daily living.

In this stage participants are working full-time in an approved employment setting, are paying their monthly expenses and taxes, continue to practice recovery skills, and can apply to attend court every 2 weeks.

Stage 4:

Community Transition (3 months)

The focus of this Stage is on developing community supports and connections; a “safety net”, a support system beyond the CDTC team which includes people, places and things that support recovery.

Participants become involved in service/volunteer work, expand their leisure time activities to broaden pro-social aspect of daily life, continue their involvement with their support group, and sustain approved housing and employment.

Participants also complete the Criminal and Addictive Thinking Course by the end of this stage.

Stage 5:


Graduation can take place once participants have completed stage four, and after a minimum of one year in the program.

In order to apply to graduate from the CDTC program participants must meet the following requirements.

  • Submit a completed Graduation Application to the Pre-Court Team for review and approval;
  • Be drug and alcohol free and have clean drug and alcohol tests for a minimum of six consecutive months in the program, and for the three months immediately prior to graduation;
  • Demonstrate compliance with all bail order conditions and treatment program requirements for a minimum of 3 months prior to graduation;
  • Successfully complete the treatment component;
  • Complete the Community Transition stage (Stage 4) and maintain suitable housing;
  • Demonstrate stable employment (unless assessed as able to work);
  • Successfully complete the Criminal and Addictive Thinking Course; and
  • Have a solid recovery plan including a relapse prevention plan and network of support.

I’m forever grateful to the CDTC team and all the agencies associated with the program. I have the tools and supports to live a clean and sober life. Thank you.

Program Graduate

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